Schultz’s PowerBuilder Notes


Word bookmarks

The target Word document must have Bookmarks set up to receive the data inserted by the PowerBuilder app. To view existing:

Tools>Options>select View Bookmarks

Example:Form letter

The following uses MS Word to generate a form letter. The style is not so hot, but it has a examples of many functions to open MS Word, select the correct document, and populate several fields.

// n_cst_dde_word1:of_Seed_letter_info(datastore ads_seed_letter_info)

boolean lb_set_remote_ok, lb_execremote_fileopen
integer li_value, li_msgbox, li_fileopen, li_rc, li_run, li_ctr
long ll_rowcount, ll_len, ll_ddehandleword, ll_ddehandledoc, i
string ls_sd_id, ls_fname, ls_lname, ls_street, ls_street1, ls_street2, ls_city, ls_state, ls_zip, &
ls_word_exe_arr[], ls_word_exe, ls_named, ls_docname

// determine what Word exe to call 4/20/2006 dlmuench
ls_word_exe_arr[1] = “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.EXE”
ls_word_exe_arr[2] = “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\WINWORD.EXE”

FOR li_ctr = 1 TO UpperBound(ls_word_exe_arr)
IF FileExists(ls_word_exe_arr[li_ctr] ) THEN
ls_word_exe = ls_word_exe_arr[li_ctr]

lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE
lb_execremote_fileopen = FALSE

li_value = GetFileOpenName(“Select Seed Letter Document to Print”, + ls_docname, ls_named, “DOC”, + “Doc Files (*.DOC),*.DOC” )
IF li_value > 0 THEN //user opens a file

//try to open a channel to Word
ll_ddehandleword = OpenChannel(“WinWord”, “System” )
IF ll_ddehandleword < 0 THEN //if open channel fails, run the Word application li_run = Run(ls_word_exe, Minimized! ) IF li_run < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF END IF IF li_value = 1 THEN li_msgbox = MessageBox("Attention", & "The file that you have chosen is" + " " + ls_docname + " " + & ".~nDo you want to print the contents of this file?", & Information!, OkCancel!, 2) END IF //if the previous open channel failed IF ll_ddehandleword < 0 THEN ll_ddehandleword = OpenChannel("WinWord", "System" ) IF ll_ddehandleword < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF END IF IF li_msgbox = 1 THEN//if OK to print //try to open a channel to the word document first ll_ddehandledoc = OpenChannel("WinWord", ls_docname) IF ll_ddehandledoc < 0 THEN//if the open channel fails then the word document has to be opened lb_execremote_fileopen = TRUE //Send a FileOpen command to the Word application to open a document li_rc = ExecRemote("[FileOpen.Name =" + "~"" + ls_docname + "~"" + "]", ll_ddehandleword) IF li_rc < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF //Open a channel to Word document and establish a warm link ll_ddehandledoc = OpenChannel("WinWord", ls_docname) IF ll_ddehandledoc ll_rowcount ls_sd_id = Trim(ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "sd_id" )) ls_fname = ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "fst_nm" ) ls_lname = ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "last_nm" ) ll_len = len(ls_lname) ls_lname = Left(ls_lname, 1) + Lower(Right(ls_lname, ll_len - 1)) ls_street = "" ls_street1 = ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "addr_1_txt" ) IF IsNull(ls_street1) = TRUE THEN ls_street1 = "" END IF ls_street2 = ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "addr_2_txt" ) IF IsNull(ls_street2) = TRUE THEN ls_street2 = "" END IF ls_street = ls_street1 + ls_street2 ls_city = ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "cty_nm" ) ls_state = ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "st_cd" ) ls_zip = ads_seed_letter_info.GetItemString(i, "zip_cd" ) ll_len = len(ls_zip) IF ll_len <= 6 THEN ls_zip = left(ls_zip, 5) ELSE ls_zip = left(ls_zip, 5) + '-' + right(ls_zip, ll_len - 5) END IF //Ask the DDE server application to accept data to be stored in the specified location li_rc = SetRemote("fname", ls_fname, ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN li_rc = SetRemote("lname", ls_lname, ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE END IF END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN li_rc = SetRemote("street", ls_street, ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE END IF END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN li_rc = SetRemote("city", ls_city, ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE END IF END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN li_rc = SetRemote("state", ls_state, ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE END IF END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN li_rc = SetRemote("zip", ls_zip, ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE END IF END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN li_rc = SetRemote("fname2", ls_fname, ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE END IF END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN IF ls_sd_id "" THEN li_rc = SetRemote("sd_id", ls_sd_id, ll_ddehandledoc) END IF END IF //if setremotes were successful then only do we want to print the document and save it IF lb_set_remote_ok = TRUE THEN //Send a FilePrint command to the Word document to print the document li_rc = ExecRemote("[FilePrint]", ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF END IF i++ LOOP //Send a FileSave command to the Word document to save the changes li_rc = ExecRemote("[FileSave]", ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF //closes the channel to the word document li_rc = CloseChannel(ll_ddehandledoc) IF li_rc < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF IF lb_execremote_fileopen = TRUE THEN //if execremote used to open the file then we have to close it //Send a single FileClose command to the word DDE server application (cold link) li_rc = ExecRemote("[FileClose()]", "WinWord", ls_docname) IF li_rc < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF END IF END IF//if OK to print //closes the channel to the Word application li_rc = CloseChannel(ll_ddehandleword) IF li_rc 0 THEN//if 'Run' was used to start Word, we want to exit the Word application //Send a single FileExit command to the word DDE server application (cold link) li_rc = ExecRemote("[FileExit()]", "WinWord", "System" ) IF li_rc < 0 THEN RETURN -1 END IF END IF END IF//user opens a file IF li_msgbox = 2 THEN RETURN 2 END IF IF lb_set_remote_ok = FALSE THEN RETURN -1 END IF RETURN 1[/sourcecode]

April 8, 2008 - Posted by | OLE and DDE | , , ,

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